
"Au debout j'avais quelques appréhensions, nous parlons pas anglais, ni aucune langue d'ailleurs. Tu as su nous mettre alaise. Tu étais toujours la pour tous le monde.
Je tiens à te félicites car ce tu es ce que tu fais c'est genial."

Sandra & Zé
"O nosso muito obrigado por esta oportunidade.
Uma experiência única na nossa vida, que só é possível realizar por uma pessoa que tem um coração do tamanho do mundo, como tu."

"This was an amazing experience that will never forget. I really saw your passion in all of it and find it very inspiring. I wish for all further groups that are coming a similar experience. And for sure, I will be back."

"Estaré eternamente agradecido por lo que has hecho por mi haciendo posible esta experiencia. Te mereces todo lo bueno en esta vida y estoy seguro que MWSE va a ser el mejor puto safari en toda Africa."

"Estes dias que tive o privilégio de partilhar contigo foram mágicos.
Desejo muito sucesso de mais este projeto, pois sei o quanto é importante para ti."

Comecei reticente, mas terminei a adorar! A experiência foi incrível! Desejo o melhor do mundo. Mesmo."

"Je n'ai pas de mot pour exprimer ce que je ressens et je pense qu'il ne existe pas. Juste un grand merci pour tous. Merci pour ce magnifique voyage qui représente pour moi le début d'une nouvelle vie."

São & Luis
"Obrigado pelo carinho e amizade com que nos recebeste. Gostamos muito e apesar da distância da viagem, vamos para casa muito felizes."

"Un énorme MERCI ne suffirait pas pour vous remerciez la semaine que j'ai pu passer avec vous. Vous êtes une équipe en or, merci de vous faire découvrir ce magnifique monde.
Un dernier MERCI par tout et pour tout ce que vous faites pour ces animaux, ils on de la chance d'être entoures par des personnes comme vous."

Claudia & Markus
"This was our fist trip to SA and it was a most wonderful experience. Impossible to say what we liked most, everything was absolutely fantastic.
Most interesting was the opportunity to see behind the scenes. This give people like us a lot of very valuable insights."

"Penso che queste vacanze descrivono un sogno che tutti dovrebbero vivere nella sua vita! Questa settimana organizzata perfettamente da vai stata unica! bellissima! splendida! e indimenticabile!!!
Ho vissuto un sogno!!!"

"This was an interesting and amazing week to learn a lot about nature and also about SA in the great discussions in the evenings.
Thank you to all the work in front and behind the scenes."

Astrid & Alex
"Thank you, can't even come close to expressing what we actually want to say. It was an unforgettable week for us. A part of my heart stays here forever!"

"Juste un énorme MERCI pour cette magnifique semaine.
A tout bientôt."

"MaiaWildlife and Tendeni made me feel part of a big family.
When one feels good the time fly away and that it's exactly what happened."

"Passou uma semana, ou 2, ou 3, que foram como 2 dias.
Iram ficar para sempre na minha memória os bons momentos aqui passados, num ambiente espetacular. Sinto-me em casa."

Libera & Mario
"Escrever aqui tudo o que senti e o que continuo a sentir, precisaria de um dia ou talvez anos. Conheci pessoas maravilhosas que restarão na minha mente e no meu coração para sempre. Obrigado Henrique, ainda espero retornar."

Melania & Federico
"We were looking for a safari trip and we found a wonderful experience in the wildlife.... everything was perfectly integrated into the wild environment, the lodge was simple as it should be in such places, the food was delicious and most important we lived one week in a so lovely family that will never forget.... in so short time we established a so strong friendship with people and so strong link with the country that we already are waiting to go back again..."

"The people in charge are extremely friendly and always in a good mood, which creates a very pleasant atmosphere. They show a lot of experience in the wilderness. The lodge is very nice with an additional pool, the heat can be tolerated very well."

"Great experience!!! Beautiful lodge with great staff. The guides are very competent and lead the tours with their passion for animals and nature!"

"A unique and differentiated experience, attentive and qualified professionals, all with great safety."

"I can really recommend Maia Wildlife to anyone who wants to go on a safari! It was an overwhelming experience and a fun group with great people. Rowan and Henrique have a very good eye, a huge amount of knowledge and they do their job excellently! The lodge is also beautiful. We were given great experiences and I always felt safe during the safari tours :)"

Sarah & Reto
"Many impressive and unforgettable moments. Brilliant, likeable and competent people with a lot of passion. Great accommodation. I can only recommend it."